
Your teeth will look so much better with invisible braces in Luton

If you have a sneaking suspicion that everyone can see that your teeth aren’t straight, you are probably right. You may be very self-conscious about your teeth and there’s a good reason for that. People are hardwired to look at each other’s smiles. So, when you smile, people really are looking at your teeth and making judgments about them.

It may seem mean and shallow of them, but evolution made us all focus on smiles. You see, back in the times when we didn’t speak so well, smiles were a way to convey important messages of intention. A big, wide, crinkly-eyed smile conveyed a message of friendliness and warmth. A sneery, teeth-baring grimace meant you were in serious trouble with an enemy.

Also, you could tell a lot by someone’s teeth. If they were white and gleaming it meant their owner was healthy. Rotting, dull, stumpy teeth meant you were near someone who wasn’t very well and you would do well to steer clear of them in case you picked up a life-threatening infection.

The fact that we still do this is why people are noticing your wonky teeth, and also why you don’t much fancy wearing braces. But you can get straighter teeth minus the embarrassment when you get invisible braces in Luton from us at Vogue Dental Care.

In Luton, invisible braces come in various styles, some more invisible than others, but all discreet and nothing like the great, chucky metal braces your parents had to wear in the 1970s and 80s.

Fixed invisible braces in Luton

These are a discreet version of the traditional metal braces. They have brackets but they are smaller and made of clear ceramic. There is one wire, and this is finer and covered in tooth-coloured material. These braces take 4-9 months to move wonky teeth, and deal only with those with one root, at the front of your mouth.

Removable invisible braces in Luton

Clear aligners from Invisalign take 12-24 months to realign mild to moderate problems. The Inman Aligner works on the front teeth only and can straighten them in only 6-18 weeks.

To find out more, come in for a consultation.