
Your step-by-step guide to dermal fillers

In Luton, dermal fillers are increasing in popularity as more and more of us want to look our best for as long as we can. As we age, the skin naturally loses its elasticity and plumpness. Dermal fillers are one way to address this.

dermal-fillers-in-lutonHere at Vogue Dental Care, many of our patients are concerned about looking their best. It may seem like a superficial issue but we know how deep it runs. When we feel happy with the way we look, then our confidence improves. When our confidence improves, we find it easier to relate to others – to friends, family, work colleagues and in social situations. We find it easier to shine and do our best. All this makes for a happier, more fulfilling life.

So how does this miracle work? If you are like many of our patients in Luton, dermal fillers have peaked your curiosity. Here’s our step-by-step guide.

Where to have the filler

Dermal fillers are made from non-animal, hyaluronic acid; a synthetic version of a naturally occurring sugar that is found in the skin. The fillers are used in a variety of areas, including:

  • lines from the nose to the mouth (nasolabial fold)
  • lines from the mouth to the chin (melomental fold)
  • lines above the upper lip
  • in the lips for volume and definition
  • to restore volume to cheeks
  • to fill out the backs of the hands.

How does the treatment work?

It’s a very simple and quick treatment and we will talk you through every step of the way.

  • First we apply a local anaesthetic to the treatment area so the injection is painless;
  • The filler is then applied. This takes a few minutes;
  • You will see an instant effect and be ready to face the world with a renewed face!

It lasts for six to 12 months, depending on which area is treated, your skin type and what injection technique we use. The more often you have the procedure, the more plumpness you will notice over time.

Get in touch

If you have any questions or concerns about dermal fillers in Luton, please call in to find out more.