In Luton, Invisalign braces are helping to improve the oral health of more people every year. If you asked most people, they would probably say that crooked teeth are a cosmetic problem. But what would you do if you found out that poorly aligned teeth can also be a problem when it comes to your long term oral health? Crossing or crowded teeth are more difficult to care for properly, and badly aligned or gappy teeth can lead to excessive wear or jaw problems if not corrected.
Dentists can correct these types of problem using braces, and many children wear them. However, because braces have traditionally been made from metal wires fixed onto the fronts of your teeth, many adults prefer to live with crooked teeth. Thankfully technology and modern materials now mean that you can have straight, healthy teeth without anyone else knowing you are wearing braces. The braces in question are more often referred to as aligners and here at Vogue Dental Care in Luton, Invisalign aligners are creating smiles that leave our patients finding more reasons than ever before to smile.
You can clearly see the difference with Invisalign
Around the world as well as here in Luton, Invisalign aligners have helped to straighten the teeth of more than 4 million people, so if the Invisalign system is right for you, you can be confident that you are in good company. Before you even start your treatment, your dentist will be able to show you how your teeth will look at the end of your treatment. This can be done because we use 3D imaging technology, which is used to make the aligners, which are manufactured in America. Each aligner is designed to be worn for a minimum of 20 hours each day, and each aligner will move the teeth into their new position over a period of two weeks. At the end of the two week period, the previous aligner is replaced with a new one. Treatment time will vary, depending on the complexity of your tooth misalignment. Small improvements to just your front teeth will take less time than resolving more complicated issues.