
Process Time for Dental Implants

It used to be that bridges and dentures were the only the options for addressing missing teeth, but patients today can choose a more permanent and natural-looking solution. Vogue Dental Care offers dental implants for patients who wish to replace a missing tooth with the best choice possible.

The Procedure

dental implantsImplant procedures vary depending on the tooth in question, but the process typically consists of a two-stage process where a temporary abutment and crown is first attached and then replaced with a permanent implant set. The goal of the treatment is osseointegration—the process of titanium attaching to the bone. It is only after this that the tooth is “loaded” with the permanent crown.

The healing time or osseointegration takes approximately three months.

Regardless of the case, treatment starts with your dentist installing a temporary crown to protect the exposed abutment over the course of what may be a lengthy osseointegration period. What makes this extra tricky, however, is that the temporary tooth must not be in constant functional contact with other teeth.

Implant for a back tooth does not have a large cosmetic demand, so those single stage implants usually end up with an exposed healing abutment but no temporary crown.

Another factor to be considered is the location of the tooth. Molars at the back of the mouth sit on softer bones and it may take a longer amount of time before full ossointegration is possible. Two-stage implants allow enough time for this and can ensure the new implant does not move a lot.

At Vogue Dental Care, we will consider these things before carrying out the procedure. Our implants are made of the recommended titanium screw with a tooth-coloured crown. Our implants are labour-intensive and carried out by qualified and experienced practitioners.

Let us take care of your implant treatment. Contact the Vogue Dental Care team today.