
How to know if you can have Invisalign in Luton

If you need teeth straightening but are afraid you are going to have to wear unsightly metal brackets and wires, relax, you now have the option of Invisalign in Luton.

This effective and discreet technique makes use of a series of aligners that help move your teeth into their correct position over time. At Vogue Dental Care, Invisalign in Luton can be customised to fit your individual dental needs. If you think that life is too short to worry about your teeth, don’t hesitate to book a consultation appointment with us.

Invisalign is a great treatment, but it’s not for everyone

If your friends have talked you into Invisalign, you should definitely explore this treatment. However, be aware that Invisalign in Luton is not for everyone. Our experienced dentists will know if you are a good candidate for this treatment after examining you, but there is no reason to undergo this examination if you are underage or your teeth are severely crooked. Sometimes, Invisalign is used after treatment with braces or other teeth straightening techniques, since our aim is to ensure that our patients’ teeth are safely straightened.

If your teeth are severely misaligned, then Invisalign is not for you

Invisalign in Luton is great for patients with mild or moderate dental problems. It is also great for bite complications such as underbites and overbites, provided they are not serious enough. However, if your teeth are severely crooked, twisted and/or rotated, Invisalign is not the right choice.

Age is an important factor when considering Invisalign in Luton

Invisalign is not only for adults, older teenagers can also take advantage of this treatment, provided that their jawbone has grown. Young teens and children are advised against Invisalign because it’s impossible to create accurate aligners for people whose teeth are constantly changing.

Are you willing to commit to your treatment?

Last but not least, Invisalign is not as easy a treatment to go through as it seems. While the aligners can be removed during the day for eating and brushing your teeth, you have to wear them for most of the day for the treatment to be effective. You’d be surprised to know how many people find this difficult.