Here at Vogue Dental Care, we aim to be as transparent as possible about all aspects of the treatments we offer. If you’re considering invisible braces in Luton, it makes sense to know exactly what they involve and how they work. This will mean that you have realistic expectations of how they work and the results that can be achieved at the end of treatment.
Invisible braces are also known as lingual braces, and they are similar to the traditional metal ones that most people are familiar with. The difference between them and the traditional braces is that they are placed behind the teeth. They are still made in the same way, and look like the usual braces, with the added advantage that they are not visible to others.
Because of their similarity to the usual metal braces, invisible braces are extremely effective. They can be used to treat a wide variety of orthodontic issues and usually offer great results at the end of treatment.
Just like traditional fixed braces, invisible ones feature brackets. These are also made of metal such as stainless steel or gold alloy and are quite small in size. Some types of lingual braces come with standard sized brackets that can be used for all patients and others feature brackets that are customised to fit a particular patient’s teeth exactly.
They are affixed to your teeth for the duration of your treatment and can be applied to all your teeth or just the front ones, depending on the complexity of your case. If it’s only your front teeth that are misaligned, you may only need brackets on six to eight teeth. We can discuss all this with you and answer any questions you might have about what is required.
We make sure the brackets are securely fitted to your teeth by using a special dental cement. This cement keeps them fixed in place for the period of treatment, whilst still being easily removable by the dentist when all the work has been done.
Arch wires
The brackets and teeth are moved into position by arch wires. These are pieces of thin metal which are attached to the brackets using either elastic bands or metal fastenings. Some types of lingual braces feature clips that hold the arch wire in place, these clips are called self-ligating brackets.
The arch wire corrects misaligned teeth by returning to its arch shape over time, pulling the teeth back as it does so. The wire is swapped for a new one around every six to eight weeks, until the desired result has been achieved.
The right choice for you?
Invisible braces in Luton are a very effective means of correcting lots of different orthodontic issues including: crowding, protruding or crooked teeth, and problems with bite. Unlike aligners such as Invisalign, these kinds of braces can be manipulated by the dentist in a very precise manner. This means that some patients find that the results from lingual braces are well worth investing in.