When it comes to cosmetic dental care, it is easy to get swept up in how it will impact on your life in relation to your appearance- it is cosmetic dental care after all!
However, there are many cosmetic dental procedures that also offer real health benefits that reach far beyond mental health and improved confidence.
Take veneers for example; they cover the teeth and can be used to instantly whiten teeth, but they are also a reasonable solution for people who have sensitive teeth or to add a bit more structural integrity to a damaged tooth.
But what about an aligner that offers health benefits? Does one exist?
At Vogue Dental, our team has long been aware of the links between cosmetic treatments and physical health and are here today to talk to you about the associated advantages of wearing Invisalign in Luton. As a provider of this aligner, we have seen first-hand how it has changed many of our patients’ lives and cannot recommend this aligner enough!
So, what can Invisalign in Luton offer besides a straighter smile?
Better dental health
Crooked or misaligned teeth are tougher to clean; any dentist will tell you that!
Having poorly cleaned teeth can lead to an accumulation of plaque and bacteria, which can cause decay and periodontal disease. Yikes! As Invisalign in Luton straightens your teeth, it allows for easier brushing, flossing and cleaning in general, leading to improved oral health.
Better speech
Having misaligned teeth can impact your speech.
Many people who have overbites, gaps in their teeth or crowded teeth struggle to pronounce certain words and, of course, having gaps in your teeth can lead to a whistling sound occurring when you say words that end with the letter ‘s.’ By straightening your teeth, you allow your tongue to change how it interacts with your teeth, which can reverse speech impediments and improve your pronunciation. Perfect!
Better digestion
It is easy to forget that chewing is the first stage in digestion. And, of course, teeth that are misaligned are unable to grind food correctly, which can lead to issues with digestion.
Larger pieces of food tend to reach the stomach when you have misaligned teeth, causing acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion. As invisible braces straighten your teeth, this will allow them to work together and will lead to food that has been correctly ground up and will be digested easily.
Better nutrition
With straighter teeth comes an improved bite strength, which can allow you to eat a wider variety of foods. As this aligner is removable, you can take it out to eat and won’t have to restrict your diet in the way you would with regular braces. And better nutrition equates to more energy and feeling better overall!
Better sleep
Misaligned teeth can cause you to grind your jaws together as you sleep, leading to migraines and headaches. Yikes! By straightening your teeth, you can reduce the urge to grind them, resulting in a more refreshing 40 winks.