New Park House Dental Centre
Vogue Dental Care
27 March 2018
You’re never too old...
Much as we all aspire to having straight teeth that line up next to each other beautifully, many of us...
New Park House Dental Centre
Vogue Dental Care
20 March 2018
Barely there braces
What most of our patients who have wonky teeth want is to be able to get them straightened without having...
New Park House Dental Centre
Vogue Dental Care
13 March 2018
Visible smiles with invisible...
Want a straighter, more attractive smile, but hate the thought of braces? A few decades ago, metal braces were the...
New Park House Dental Centre
Vogue Dental Care
27 February 2018
Time to consider Invisalign
Invisalign is becoming one of the most popular teeth straightening treatments available, as it enables patients to finally get beautifully...
New Park House Dental Centre
Vogue Dental Care
20 February 2018
Time for a change
Maybe, after years of trying to ignore your crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth that you’ve decided enough is enough and...
New Park House Dental Centre
Vogue Dental Care
13 February 2018
The clear alternative to...
In the past, the only real option when considering straightening your teeth was to have traditional fixed braces. Although these...
New Park House Dental Centre
Vogue Dental Care
23 January 2018
21st century teeth straightening
In the last 20 years or so, developments in dental materials and techniques have changed the face of dentistry forever,...
New Park House Dental Centre
Vogue Dental Care
16 January 2018
Invisible braces offer discreet...
If you have always wished that you had your slightly wonky teeth straightened as a teenager, don’t worry, it’s not...
New Park House Dental Centre
Vogue Dental Care
09 January 2018
Hey, didn’t you use...
Fewer and fewer people seem to have wonky teeth these days, but you never seem to see anyone wearing braces....
New Park House Dental Centre
Vogue Dental Care
26 December 2017
Keep your teeth where...
If you have spent a whole lot of time and money on getting your teeth straightened with invisible braces in...