‘Brace face’, ‘metal mouth’, ‘tinsel teeth’, you’ve probably heard them all. Nobody wants to spend months or years of their life wearing unsightly metal braces. Over time, people have recognised this and subsequently come up with ways for you to straighten your teeth without having to feel self-conscious about your ‘tin grin’.
If you are looking to subtly straighten your teeth, you could look to solutions such as clear braces or Invisalign in Luton. Here at Vogue Dental Care, we have embraced these exciting alternatives. We believe that you shouldn’t have to compromise straightening your teeth with feeling self-conscious during treatment.
What is Invisalign?
When it comes to clear braces, the clue is in the name. They function much like traditional braces, but use clear or tooth-coloured materials in place of metal.
Invisalign consists of a series of clear aligners that are custom-made to fit snuggly around your teeth. These are to be worn for 7-10 days before being replaced by the next in the series of aligners. Over time, they gently push the teeth into their correct positions via carefully planned movements. Treatment time varies from person to person, but on average takes about 12 months.
Going for Invisalign in Luton differs from traditional braces as instead of adjusting the original braces, new aligners are swapped in to replace the old ones. The aligners are also removable, which means that you can take them out for eating, brushing and flossing. In fact, to retain their clear appearance, the aligners should be taken out whenever eating or drinking anything other than water.
In order for treatment to be timely and effective, the aligners should be worn for at least 20 hours a day.
Who can get Invisalign in Luton?
Invisalign is not suited to children, as their teeth are still developing. It is best suited to adult teeth. It may also not fix severe cases of misalignment and is better suited to mild to moderate issues of crowding and spacing of the teeth.
Don’t worry if you’re not sure where you stand on the scale of misaligned teeth. During your consultation, we will thoroughly examine your teeth and help find the best solution for you.