
Invisalign in Luton: a braces revolution

Invisalign clear aligners are, without doubt, one of the most popular brands of braces to appear on the teeth straightening scene in the last 20 years. Since they first became widely available 1999, more than 4 million patients have benefited from this discreet and manageable way to straighten teeth.

The reason why the aligners were such a breath of fresh air was because there was nothing else like them on the market at the time. Pre-late 90s, if you wanted straighter teeth, you were looking at brackets and wires. Dental researchers had created clear aligners in the lab, but nothing had been made commercially available.

Then American university student Zia Chishti had a brain wave after his own braces treatment. On wearing a retainer after the straightening work was complete, he thought, wouldn’t it be so much easier if braces were like these retainers? After a long road to get funding to develop and test and prototype, Invisalign was born.

And thank goodness it was, because here at Vogue Dental Care in Luton, Invisalign has made such a difference to the lives of so many of our patients. Adult patients love Invisalign in Luton because the treatment fits right into their lifestyle. Whether they are walking down the street, in a meeting at work, picking up the kids from school or dancing at a wedding, no one is any the wiser that they are wearing braces.

Another factor that makes Invisalign in Luton an easy treatment to manage is the aligners are removable. They are taken out for eating and drinking anything other than plain water. This is because they will stain if you don’t do this, so it’s really good to remember this step if you want to keep your treatment on the down low. After each meal, the aligners are cleaned and then popped back in. While it takes discipline to remember to do this, the cleaning doesn’t take long and before you know it you are getting on with your day again.

The added benefit of this is that it tends to cut out mindless snacking. Invisalign patients have even lost weight because they become very aware of what they are eating while wearing the aligners.