A beautiful smile gives you confidence and can really make your face shine. Some people have naturally thinner lips and would love to have more of a pout. Others find that the passing of the years has changed the appearance they once had. As we age, our lips naturally become thinner and lose some of their definition, particularly around the ‘Cupid’s Bow’ area of the upper lip or at the edges where they may start to turn down. Make up can only do so much, so having lip fillers in Luton may be the solution you are looking for.
Enhance your smile
At Vogue Dental Care, Luton, lip fillers are a popular choice for restoring your smile to its former glory or giving you the look you dream of. Fillers consist of sterile hyaluronic acid gels which are made from non-animal sources. Your body naturally contains hyaluronic acid which acts as a plumping and lubricating agent. This reduces as we age, causing the lips and skin in other areas to lose tone and develop lines. The fillers augment the lips and also retain water which contributes to a fresher, fuller look.
What to expect
If you choose to have lip fillers in Luton with us, you will find that the whole procedure is quick, comfortable and effective. Local anaesthetic is used to prevent discomfort in this sensitive area and the filler is then carefully injected to create a natural look. The injection takes just a few minutes and the effect of the treatment is visible immediately, giving you smoother, fuller, more youthful looking lips. Most people find that their lip fillers last for around six months and we offer a programme of follow-up treatments to maintain your plumped up look for longer.
Smile with confidence with Vogue Dental Care
We pride ourselves on providing a professional, friendly service, combining modern techniques with a passion for improving your appearance. We know that if you look good, the positive impacts on your life are far reaching. If you are looking for lip fillers in Luton, please do get in touch with us at Vogue Dental Care to find out how we can help you.