
21st century teeth straightening

In the last 20 years or so, developments in dental materials and techniques have changed the face of dentistry forever, giving dentists many more options to offer than back in the 1990s.

Back then, some of these treatments did exist, but they were so innovative, and therefore expensive, that it was really only film stars, models and royals who had the money for a bright, sparkling, white smile. Cosmetic dentistry cost a fortune and was only available in large cities.

But now at Vogue Dental Care, we use these modern techniques and equipment to straighten teeth, which is why we offer Invisalign in Luton.

In Luton, Invisalign is used to correct mild to moderate misalignments such as crooked, overcrowded or gappy teeth. Once seen as hardly worth bothering about by dentists, in fact such problems made some people so self-conscious that they would hide their smiles behind their hands, never smile at all, or turn away from having their photo taken. Even more so now that it is becoming the norm to have good straight teeth.

Worrying about your smile is not a happy, spontaneous way to be, but you wouldn’t be alone in preferring it to living through months of conspicuous metal train track braces on your teeth, let alone having to fend off endless personal questions and stares from strangers. This is why your Vogue Dental Care team is delighted to offer Invisalign in Luton.

Unlike the brackets and wires we usually associate with brace systems, Invisalign is a series of incrementally different, very thin, clear 3D-printed plastic trays. These invisible aligners fit snugly over the teeth, and have carefully planned pressure points in them to gradually guide the teeth into alignment. You wear each tray for a week to 10 days by which time the feeling of pressure will have worn off, and then you move onto the next Invisalign tray, which will gently move the teeth on again.

What also makes Invisalign so popular, is that the aligners can be removed for cleaning. You can also eat, drink, and, if necessary, attend important occasions without wearing your aligners.

Why not come in for a consultation to find out if Invisalign in Luton will work for you?